PowerPick Score Card
Month of Dec 2024
Number of Winning Tickets  1,199
Total Amt of Winning Tickets $8,836

Many people like to know how we've done ... what's our record ... what's the score.  While close calls may only count in games like horseshoes, it's certainly exciting to be on the list of close call winners and seeing those tickets with 5 out of 6 matches.  The payoffs vary depending on the game, but just in case you're keeping score, we've provided a summary of our near misses.  It sure reminds us that a jackpot winner could well be just around the corner.  Yep, the odds are tough and that's for sure, but SOMEBODY does win and it might as well be YOU!


We have had 5 out of 6 numbers NINE (9) times.
2 $100,000 prizes (5 white balls. This is currently elevated to a $1,000,000 prize).
2 $10,000 prize (4 white balls and 1 Powerball-current prize amount. This is currently elevated to a $50,000 prize)
5 $5,000 prizes (4 white balls and 1 Powerball-former prize amount)


Mega Millions
We have had 5 Out of 6 Numbers 6 Times
1 $175,000 prize (5 white balls.  This is currently elevated to a $1,000,000 prize)

$30,000 - 4 whites plus the Mega ball with #3 multiplier


$10,000 2X and $5,000 3X  -  4 whites plus the Mega Ball


The Pick (current game) and Arizona Lotto (former name)


5 out of 6 numbers

The prize amounts have varied greatly over the years.  The current prize for second prize is $2,000.
Our record here reflects the fact that the odds are easier in this game than in Powerball.


Fantasy 5 (current game) and Pick 5 (former name)

We have had THREE jackpot winners (hooray!)


We have had 4 out of 5 times 368 times.


$50,000 JACKPOT!

$247,000 JACKPOT!

$53,000 JACKPOT


$500 prizes.

14 $1,000 doublers

Remember that a paid selection in this game is normally 10 players only so there are better odds and a bigger share of the payout.



© 2025 PowerPick Player's Club